Tis the season for joy and happiness, yet this year it has been difficult to find that happiness. I am trying though. I did bake cookies, decorate the tree, and hand out a few Christmas cards. I’ve watched White Christmas, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, The Polar Express, The Muppets Christmas Carol, etc…all in search of that glorious feeling that used to come this time of year. I haven’t found it yet.

I am running out of time.

Hopefully, the mood will find me before it passes me by. With only two days left until the jolly fat man comes down the chimney, I am feeling a bit desperate. If I should have the misfortune of staying all bah-humbug, there is always next year…in which case I will be starting to infect myself with holiday cheer a lot sooner. Just in case.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!